
Thursday February 25,2010

Today we read books, sang songs, did animal,shapes,colors,weather and direction (left, right, up, down) flashcards and practiced counting 1-30.
"Look at my huge camera!"
A visit to the beauty parlor?
Getting her hair and nails done.

Breakfast- Pancakes, Orange Juice, Milk
Lunch- Pizza, Green Beans, Apple Slices, Cheese Slices, Milk and optional was a recipe my daughter found and wanted to make called Deluxe Macaroni. It was a dish made with Hamburger,Onions, Broccoli and Macaroni and Cheese. Some of the children tried it and liked it, some of them tried it and did not like it and some of them wouldn't try it at all.
Snack- Duo Cheese Nips, Aple Juice


Wednesday February 24,2010

Breakfast- Chopped Beef Gravy on Toast, Cereal, Bananas, Grapes, Milk
Lunch- Classic Cheesy Jambalaya, Peas, Applesauce, Milk

Tuesday February 23, 2010

It was GREAT for everyone to be able to go outside for awhile this afternoon!

Breakfast- Scrambled Eggs, Toast, Orange Juice, Milk
Lunch- Chicken, Fried Potatoes and Gravy, Corn, Butter Bread, Milk
Snack- Vanilla Cream Cookies or Oreo Cookies, Milk


Monday, January 22, 2010

'Matching Letters' worksheet
Tracing Dotted Lines
Breakfast- Cereal, Peaches, Milk
Lunch- Mackeral Patties, Macaroni 'n' Cheese, Butter Beans, Applesauce, Milk
Snack- Peanut Butter Cheese Crackers, Grape Juice


A Great Thursday!

Singing and cutting out triangles.

Singing and playing music along with the cd.
Singing "Head,shoulders, stomp your feet, stomp your feet". (The song is supposed to go 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes,knees and toes' but I think she was getting parts of two different songs mixed up.) 
Catching the sunlight... or maybe the dust.
Breakfast- Pancakes, Orange Juice, Milk
Lunch- Fish Sticks, Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes, Peas, Butter Bread, Milk
Snack- Ranch Flavored Wheat Thins, Orange Tangerine Juice