
Tuesday Oct. 26,2010

Coloring scarecrows and pumpkins.

The finished artwork.

  Looking for a bug.


Monday Oct. 25, 2010

"A bug, everybody! I found a bug!"

I like watching their expressions.

"It's on my arm!"

Playing Tag

"Nana nana boo boo!"


Breakfast- Cereal, Peaches, Milk
Lunch- Spaghetti n Meatballs, Baby Limas, Applesauce, Cheese, Milk
Snack- Wheat Thins, Apple Juice


Thursday Oct. 21, 2010

Putting a sticker on each letter that was correctly identified.

This is a spot most of the children use for their "car" because the keys fit perfectly into the 'ignition'.

Taking turns learning how to drive the pedal-cars.

It took him awhile to believe me when I told him this was not a "bug" but a turtle.